so i'm here, in ecuador.
yesterday was a long day of sitting in airports and sitting on planes.
FINALLY we arrived, i was exhausted.
when i arrived at the airport yesterday morning i was able to meet 3 of the 5 girls i would be in quito with. they are so cute, nice, and fun, i'm really really excited to get to spend this time with them! we flew to houston and had a five hour lay over and the two other girls that would be with us met us. the majority of the girls here are from utah, idaho, canada, and las vegas.
we finally arrived in quito about 9 pm (time is only one hour ahead here). we got off the plane and waited in customs for about 30 minutes, finally got my passport stamped, and we walked through the doors into the country, ha, and a bunch of ecuadorians were standing there staring at us, even one man was videoing us. yeah, whatevs. angel, our program director, met us at the airport with our driver, who i don't remember his name. we walked out to the van and a airport worker and our driver crammed all of our luggage into this van, i must say i could never have fit all those suitcases in that small thing. we got in the van, completely knee to knee, sitting toward each other, all trying to speak spanish, i must say we probably sounded really dumb. but i laughed. we drove past many familar businesses, such as dominos, hyundai, kfc, and others.
we finally arrived "home" about 20 minutes later. there were quite a few girls in the house because some are leaving today for the final part of thier trip in the amazon, the girls that have been here for about five weeks, and us. i was shown where my room was, and immediately started to unpack. my roommates were there chatting among themselves, not really paying attention to me, except when they asked if i really was going to be taking all the clothes home at the end of my trip, i was really bothered by this, they were being somewhat inconsiderate. but whatevs, i think i may have been a tad bit sensitive because i hadn't gotten much sleep.
i tried to let it go, called my mom, vented to her, went to bed. woke up this morning, and it's cold. blah. the girls that are already here are making us breakfast! then we have orientation, i'm not sure what else today will consist of, hopefully able to see some of the city! i definitely miss home, A LOT, but i know once i start to work with the children i can emerse myself and not be as homesick.