
i'm just thrilled

OKAY. so yesterday morning i called my best friend ali to check up on her and to say hello. we were just chatting about my time here, and about how things were at home. i started to tell her how i was trying to convince my parents to send my little brother here to visit, but i didn't really think it would happen (which it isn't, but it's okay), and i had the brilliant idea that ali should come down! yes just a brilliant idea. she loved the idea, told me she'd talk to her parents and see if they'd help (since her 21st birthday is on May 16th). she told me she'd talk to them in the afternoon and for me to call when i got home from shift.

i went to shift thinking... i wonder if this is really going to happen, i really really really hope it does. it would make this trip just that much better.

i got home and called her. the first thing she said was, when is the best time for me to come, and when is your flight home. she was at the computer trying to get a flight. she's really coming!!!!

wow. i can't believe how excited i am. it's going to be so much fun!

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